
DT Bazar API (Backend) License: GPL v3

The DT Bazar API is developed using Spring Boot (Java) and Micro Services architecture.

API Documentation

Api documentation is maintained using Springfox-Swagger-3.0.0-SNAPSHOT.

Documentation Preview

API Doc Preview

Auth flow

The authentication and authorization is handled by spring security jwt and facebook oAuth login. The flow is as follows:

Technology Stack

Language: Java
Build Tool: Maven
Framework: Spring Boot

System Design

System Design The Gateway (Single instance) is only interface the clients communicate with. There is a central config server from which application properties are fetched. All micro services are registered to a discovery server (Eureka). The client requests are sent in a load balanced way to the downstream servers through circuit breaker(Hystrix). There is a hystrix dashboard service. Downstream servers process the requests and send back to gateway to deliver them to the clients.

Application Architecture

System Design